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Strokes – How to Recognize It

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Strokes claim a large number of lives worldwide. According to the WHO, in 2016 alone, 31% of the human population (around 17 million people) have passed away from cardiovascular diseases, 85% of which are from heart disease and strokes. The World Stroke Organization has decreed October 29th as World Stroke Day to raise awareness of the fact.

There are four FAST ways to identify a stroke.

1.F – Face, ask the patient to smile and examine their faces to see if the two sides match.

2.A -Arm, ask the patient to raise their arms and see if one side sags from lack of strength.

3.S – Speech, ask the patient to say something and see if it’s slurred.

If any one of the above symptoms occur, it’s time to rush to the hospital!

4.T -Time, keep track of when the symptoms started showing, and send for an ambulance immediately. (the optimal time for hospitalization is 3 hours.)

You can be a little different after 50. Be young at heart and you can live an elegant and fulfilling life.

By now, you should have a better understanding of time and money management. Let us enjoy life, fulfill our dreams and live for ourselves!

Gan Dan Academy is an online learning site with “elegant life” and “friendly care” being the two main themes. Using videos, you can browse topics such as health, food, home care, assistive tools and other topics you’re interested in for free.

Let us live an elegant life after 50!

“Elegant life” – stay healthy, do exercise, keep a healthy diet, never give up on learning, have fun.

You may be “old” but you can still live a free and fulfilling life. In Gan Dan Academy, you can access different resources every day, enriching your life.

“Friendly care” – home care, life care, assistive tools, moving safely, environment inspection.

When “caring” for others, you are not alone. Learn all the essential tips and knowledge from Gan Dan Academy to relieve stress.

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Ø  Stella Matutina provides long-term care education, long-term care, women care, devotion service. For more information, please check out -> Stella Matutina Social Welfare Foundation.



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