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6 Types of Nutrients to Prevent Cataract and Macular Degeneration

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Nowadays, most people have sufficient food, yet there are a lot of nutrients required by the eyes. Apart from all types of vitamins and minerals, the most important nutrients for the eyes is lutein. One must consume at least 30mg per day.

However, people nowadays spend too much time on electronic devices, so the amount of lutein intake can be increased to prevent eye soreness, discomfort and degeneration. What’s more, the food we consume daily must consist of a large variety of ingredients to increase the different types of nutrient intake.

Furthermore, in the attempt to reduce the damage caused by exposure to the blue light, one should limit the time spent on looking at a screen. The time looking at a screen should be limited to an hour with a 15-minute break. Blue light filtered glasses can also reduce such harm. What’s important to note is that the blue light mentioned here does not necessarily have to be pure blue light, instead it refers to any type of light with the same wavelength as blue light. These include purple light and red light. As a result, maintaining the habit of protecting one’s eyes is the key to resolving this problem.

Below is a simple introduction to some of the nutrients beneficial to the eyes for your reference

eyes for your reference

1.Anthocyanidin: Strong antioxidant. Protects blood vessels and lowers eye pressure. Food such as blueberry, cranberry, purple cabbage, purple onion, grapes and other food with the color red, blue, purple and black contains such nutrient.

2.Lutein: Lutein can lower the risk of macular degeneration. Dark green vegetables such as spinach, green pepper, green broccoli, kale, and pumpkin, carrot, kiwi, corn, egg yolk, etc; Since lutein is classified as fat soluble, if extra consumption is needed, consuming it along with vitamin A or after meal is recommended.

3.Vitamin A: Vitamin A increases carotenoids, which plays an important role in visual pathway. The lack of vitamin A will cause vision to decline in the dark (or causes night blindness). It additionally causes photophobia and eye soreness, along with xerophthalmia and keratomalacia. What’s more, it causes issues such as blepharitis and dry eyes. Therefore, consuming vitamin A can help maintain healthy epithelial cell and increases carotenoids. Food that consist vitamin A include cod liver oil, egg yolk, milk, and dairy products. Some dark green and dark yellow fruits also consist of vitamin A and beta carotene.

4.Zinc: Contains antioxidant. Research have shown that the lack of zinc may cause macular degeneration; grains, seafood, means and other food that are high in protein all consist of zinc. For example, oyster, shrimp, pork, liver, egg, beer yeast, milk, wheat germ, pumpkin seed are all high in zinc. Among seeds, nuts such as peanut and walnut are high in zinc. Within fruits, apple has the most zinc. Other food that are high in zinc include bean custard, soy bean, white fungus, pak choi, etc. In Chinese medicine, lycium chinense, rehmannia glutinosa, mulberry, ginseng, eucommia ulmoides are all high in zinc.

In addition, other benefits brought by zinc include:

(1) Strengthen body immune system: Research have shown that zinc can increase T cell which helps fight infection.

(2) Prevent sickness: Helpful in preventing and healing sickness.

(3) Improve eyesight: The consumption of zinc helps control blindness caused by “macular degeneration”

5.B Complex: Vitamin B helps protect optic nerve. Food that contains vitamin B include: husked rice, pork, liver, egg yolk, bean, avocado, milk, peanut, salmon, enzyme, nuts, etc.

6.Vitamin C: Vitamin C is strong in antioxidant, it helps prevent cataract. Natural grain, vegetables and fruits all consist of vitamin C; Since vitamin C is afraid of light and heat, it is advised to consume enough fruit a day.

Fruits that is high in vitamin C


(2)Lemon: A common misconception of lemon is that it must consist of plenty of vitamin C. However, its vitamin C is actually only as much as that of an orange.

(3)Pineapple: 78.9 mg/100g。One of its benefits is that it consists of enzymes, which helps digestion and reduces burping. However, excessive consumption is not recommended.


(5)Kiwi:90mg/100g。 Also known as the “the food that resolves toxic”, kiwi is high in vitamin C and low in calories. It also has fruit enzyme which helps the digestive system and is highly nutritious.

(6)Golden kiwi: Compared with other fruits, the golden kiwi is exceptionally high in vitamin, having 130mg/100g.

(7)Guava:243 mg/100g。 Contains the most vitamin C among many fruits. In addition, it is high in vitamin A, C, fiber, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and other microelements. 


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