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Understanding Degenerative Joint Disease

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Knee joints have a high chance of degenerating from overuse and pressure, forming bone spurs, distortions, and causing pain and stiffness, leading to significant impact on mobility. 1% of those above 30 experience this, while 10% of those above 40, 40% of those above 50, 50% of those above 60 and 70% of those above 70 experience the same. Females have a greater likelihood of this than males.

Possible Causes

1.Physical harm: hurting your knee joints, breaking bones, or pulling ligaments may increase chances of this happening.

2.Imbalance: Bad posture or loss in muscle strength.

3.Hard manual labour: Long-time heavy-lifting or walking and standing.

4.Elders, menopausal women, and obese people also are more prone.

Clinical Symptoms

1.Swollen or painful joints, especially when overuse or when climbing stairs and after a long period of sitting.

2.Stiffness in the mornings that goes away after a while, but returns at night.

3.Cracks when using knee joints.

4.Knee joints distorting ex: O shaped legs, inability to straighten.

5.Pain causing thigh muscle pain.

6.X ray checks: joints showing up as distorted, spurs forming, cartilage hardening and degenerative cysts forming.

Treatment for degenerative joint disease

1.Decrease the frequency of joint use

2.Constant exercise and weight control


4.Rehabilitation therapy

5.Surgery correction 


You can be a little different after 50. Be young at heart and you can live an elegant and fulfilling life.

By now, you should have a better understanding of time and money management. Let us enjoy life, fulfill our dreams and live for ourselves!

Gan Dan Academy is an online learning site with “elegant life” and “friendly care” being the two main themes. Using videos, you can browse topics such as health, food, home care, assistive tools and other topics you’re interested in for free.

Let us live an elegant life after 50!

“Elegant life” – stay healthy, do exercise, keep a healthy diet, never give up on learning, have fun.

You may be “old” but you can still live a free and fulfilling life. In Gan Dan Academy, you can access different resources every day, enriching your life.

“Friendly care” – home care, life care, assistive tools, moving safely, environment inspection.

When “caring” for others, you are not alone. Learn all the essential tips and knowledge from Gan Dan Academy to relieve stress.

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Ø  Stella Matutina provides long-term care education, long-term care, women care, devotion service. For more information, please check out -> Stella Matutina Social Welfare Foundation.



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