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2019 Flu Shot Now Available

2019/11/25 -01:00 PM
Government-sponsored flu shot begins on November 15. This year, there is a slight delay in the government-sponsored flu shot, yet its protection has changed from against three viruses to four viruses, including two types of influenza A and two types of influenza B, making its protection even stronger. With the warm temperature, we should gain the protection needed if we get the flu shot according to instructions. 

什麼是流感?What is the Flu?


The flu is an abbreviation of “influenza.” It is a viral infection that attacks the respiratory system, and usually occurs in autumn and winter. Common symptoms include headache, high fever, feeling tired, runny nose, coughing, muscle pain, etc. The flu can also be divided into influenza A and influenza B. The symptoms of influenza A is more severe, and the virus is more likely to mutate and cause an outbreak. On the other hand, influenza B is more stable and is not likely to cause mutation or influenza pandemics.

為何每年都要接種流感疫苗?Why do We Need to Get the Flu Shot Every Year?


Since flu viruses are very likely to mutate, the flu viruses every year are slightly different. The original vaccine may not work against different viruses, and even if the virus had not mutated, the protection may weaken after four to six month. The protection usually does not last over a year. Therefore, it is a common practice throughout the world to get the flu shot every year. 

接種流感疫苗後,你應該要注意What Should you be Aware of After Getting the Flu Shot


1. After getting the flu shot, there is a small chance that it will cause a sudden allergy, and may cause anaphylactic shock. In case something happens, after getting the flu shot, rest a while near the clinic for at least 30 minutes so that you can seek medical attention right away. Leave only when you’re feeling okay.


2. Those taking antiplatelet or anticoagulant agents or those with disorders of hemostasis should press directly against the wound for two minutes, and observe if bleeding continues or hematoma occurs. 


3. After getting the flu shot, though it can effectively lower the odds of catching the flu, it is still possible get other respiratory diseases. Hence, it is important to pay attention to personal hygiene and to take precautions.


4. After getting the flu shot, pay attention if you have a fever (over 48 degree Celsius), respiratory issues, abnormally fast heartbeat, changes in consciousness or behavior, etc. If you feel any discomfort, seek medical attention immediately, and tell the doctor your symptoms, the time they occurred, and when you got the flu shot, and report to the local Department of Health or Center for Disease Control.


According to the Center for Disease Control, if you feel dizzy after getting the flu shot, you are advised to rest at the resting area and soothe your emotions and notify the medical practitioners. If dizziness continues, go to the hospital immediately.


Who Should Not Get the Flu Shot?

如果有以下情況,應避免接種流感疫苗If the any of the following conditions apply to you, please refrain from getting the flu shot

·已知對雞蛋蛋白質過敏者或對疫苗成分過敏Allergic to protein or ingredients in the vaccine

·小於六個月的嬰兒Infant younger than six month

· 接種前有發燒或罹患嚴重急性疾病,宜延後接種Those with fever or other severe acute disease should wait to get the shot

·曾在注射經驗中發生嚴重不良反應者Those who once experienced discomfort after getting the flu shot

·其他經醫生評估不適合接種者Those advised by the doctor to not take the flu shot

·孕婦雖然也屬流感疫苗接種對象,但接種前仍須經醫生評估Though theoretically speaking, pregnant women should also get the flu shot, they should consult a doctor beforehand




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